24 & 48 Hr Classes

A-ACES, 06/25/2023 - 12/31/2025

List by date | name
OSHA 10hr Class 11/12 thru 11/14/24
3 Evening Class (3.5hrs each night)
Booking Image
Check-in: 30 mins prior to start
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 35

24 Seat(s) Available

This course is available to anyone seeking their OSHA 10 Hour Card. However, beginning February 1, 2010 - apprentices seeking to become licensed as Tradesmen or Journeymen will be required to complete this course work to fulfill the 24hr and 48hr training requirements to apply for the licensing examination.

Price: $150.00

This 3 night class (3.5hrs each night) fulfills the 10hr OSHA Card requirements and the 10hrs can also be applied towards the hours of training required for individuals preparing for their Trades or Journeyman exam.

Sign-in begins at 5:00pm. Have your apprentice card or plumbing license and your government issued picture ID with you for registration.

Our Terms and Conditions state that monies paid are to be applied to another class - no refunds, because of the processing fees we incur. However, due to the circumstances at hand - we will refund monies that were prepaid, upon the receipt of a written request (e-mail or letter). Our bank and credit card processing fees will be deducted from your refund.

18hr IPC/UPC Plmbg Code 11/18 thru 11/21/24
4 Evening Class (4.75hrs each night)
Booking Image
Check-in: 30 mins prior to start
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 35

26 Seat(s) Available

This course is available to anyone seeking a better understanding of the code provisions contained within the IPC and UPC. However, beginning February 1, 2010 - apprentices and Tradesmen seeking to become licensed as Journeymen will be required to complete this course work to fulfill the Board's 48 hour training requirements to apply for the licensing examination.

Price: $300.00

This four evening class (4.75 hrs each night) fulfills 18 hours of the Plumbing Code (IPC/UPC) training required for the 48hrs needed to apply for the Journeyman Exam.

begins at 4:45pm - starts 5:00pm - ends 9:45pm.

Our Terms and Conditions state that monies paid are to be applied to another class - no refunds, because of the processing fees we incur. However, due to the circumstances at hand - we will refund monies that were prepaid, upon the receipt of a written request (e-mail or letter). Our bank and credit card processing fees will be deducted from your refund.

8hr IRC Code Class 11/25 and 11/26/24
4 Evening Class (4.75hrs each night)
Booking Image
Check-in: Sign-in begins at 4:30pm - starts 5:00pm - ends 9:30pm
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 35

29 Seat(s) Available

This course is available to anyone seeking a better understanding of the plumbing provisions contained within the IRC. However, beginning February 1, 2010 - apprentices seeking to become licensed as Tradesmen or Journeymen will be required to complete this course work to fulfill the Board 24 and 48 hour training requirements to apply for the licensing examination.

Price: $150.00

The 2 evening sessions (4.5 hrs each night), fulfills 8 hours of the International Residential Code (IRC) training required for the 24hrs needed to apply for the Tradesman Exam and the 48 hrs required for the Journeyman Exam.

Our Terms and Conditions state that monies paid are to be applied to another class - no refunds, because of the processing fees we incur. However, due to the circumstances at hand - we will refund monies that were prepaid, upon the receipt of a written request (e-mail or letter). Our bank and credit card processing fees will be deducted from your refund.